Pond on an individual project
We performthe waterproofingbowlof an artificial pondon individual projects.
Conditions under whichwork to createthe bowlof an artificial pond: pondareanotless than 10meters,work onthe pondwaterproofingcuprunonthe finishedpitwithin one-threedays.
One day afterthe cupready-to doemacan be filled withwater.
Benefits ofapondwitha plasticcup ofwaterproofing:
- The speed andcleanlinessof work (work performedbysealingarrangementat any stage inthe gardenorrecreation),
- High strengthandreliabilityof waterproofingcoating(the thickness ofthe insulatingplastichydro- 4-5mm),
- The use ofpondfor swimming,
- Ease of maintenance andcleaning.
- Long life -the life ofwaterproofinga fiberglassbowlmore than 30years.